We specialize in short form videos, especially documentary and promotional. Our clients range from art museums to non-profits to startups. We provide services for every stage of the production process, as a whole or a la carte.
Our services.
We begin the process with an exploratory phase. You bring us an idea, and we help you flesh it out. Who is your target audience? What do you hope this video will motivate the viewer to do? This stage may or may not include a script or video outline. And depending on your needs, we can also help you set up the project timeline and manage the production process.
We capture all video footage, from interviews to b-roll documentation of people, places and things. Sometimes we work with archival footage as well. All assets are gathered and prepped for editing, including voiceovers, music and any pre-existing content.
Now we dig in! Using a script or outline as our guide, we sift through all of the content and select the best takes and start shaping the video. Multiple rounds of review ensures that you have your say to make sure we are heading in the right direction. Color correction and animated graphics, such as titles, are included.